Monday, June 26, 2006

Let's Be Civil

"Adirondack natives are intelligent, wise, hard-working and generous".

Generally speaking, yes. However, every now and then you get a letter like this one.

Unthinking letters are one thing, but this 'major retailer' issue has devolved into unknown persons leaving anonymous hate mail in a village trustee's mailbox. This is not only uncivil, it's against the law.


Anonymous said...

Does ANYONE take Darlene Ryan seriously? Admittedly, she does represent a small but noisy segment of the community, but is it taken seriously considering the vehement negativity she uses when she rails on virtually everything in this town when she writes her letters to the editor?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if the person who wrote this letter is an Adirondack native. But I can tell you this person is NOT INTELLIGENT, HARD-WORKING, WISE, AND GENEROUS. This person is hateful and bitter. Is that what we want to be known for as a village? How hateful and bitter we can become SIMPLY BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE A WAL-MART?
And if we get community department store, we will be UNIQUE AS A VILLAGE. WAL-MART IS EVERYWHERE. And you don't have to travel far to find one. They want to surround our little village.
I have meet very few people who actually wanted a 121,000 square foot Wal-Mart in our village. The more I talk to people the more convinced I have become that the CARD and pro Wal-Mart folks are in the minority.
The way I see it is simple. IF THE MAJORITY OF THE VOTERS WANTED A 121,000 SQUARE FOOT WAL-MART, THEN WHY DIDN'T THE REPUBLICANS GET INTO OFFICE? How come there was over 600 votes that separated the two parties?
I for one am looking foward to an end of the hateful and bitter remarks. It serves ABSOLUTELY no purporse.