"I'm surprised that the thousands of reporters dealing with Wal-Mart and its staggering growth never (and I repeat never)explain that Wal-Mart could not survive in business if its paid the same per-unit price for its inventory that its competitors pay. By obtaining lower per-unit prices (in alleged violation of the Robinson-Patman Act, which prohibits price discrimination), Wal-Mart is able to maintain lower retail prices and drive its competitors out of business. This is not "efficiency", but a failure of the government to enforce the antitrust statute designed to prohibit the evils resulting from this kind of prohibited business conduct".
Mr. Person is a Harvard trained antitrust attorney who wrote a book called SAVING MAIN STREET AND ITS RETAILERS. His website has quite a bit of advice on how to fight Wal-Mart.
APPENDIX C – Representations and Warranties Which a Community Should Require a Major Retailer to Sign as a Condition to Obtaining Requested Approval(s).Here he lists a number of interrogatories that a village or town board should require when dealing with a major retailer.
you might ask for a description of the controls to ensure that the applicant is not purchasing its goods at discriminatory or, worse, below-cost prices in violation of the Robinson-Patman Act or Sherman Act. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) requires each public corporation to have an Audit Committee made up of independent individuals which committee makes sure the corporation is in compliance with various laws (where the violation of which could be materially adverse to the company’s financial interests), including the Robinson-Patman Act. It seems clear to me that none of the major retailers will be able to pass an audit of the issue of whether the manufacturers are selling to the major retailer at discriminatory, unlawful prices, and at prices which are below the manufacturers’ direct cost.
Hi, I am Carl E. Person, and I'm running as an independent candidate for New York Attorney General. My platform has numerous items dealing with enforcing law against major retailers. See www.carlperson4NYAG.com. I'm trying to help the residents of New York in a variety of ways, if I'm elected to what I see is "The 2nd Most Powerful Office in the United States", but I need help from New Yorkers to put me on the ballot. I need to gather 30,000 signatures by August 21st. If you want to help yourself, please give me some very needed help. I need 50 New York registered voters located anywhere throughout NYS to obtain signatures for me on my nomination petition (a copy of which can be obtained from my website). As I explain in my website, I will pay $50 for 200 signatures of registered NY voters, $65 for a 2nd set of 200 signatures by the same person; $90 for the 3rd set of 200; and $100 for the 4th and subsequent sets by the same person and a $50 bonus to the first person who submits (taking into account all of the sets submitted by such person) at least 165 signatures from a NY Congressional District.
Any questions, please give me a call, at 212-307-4444 or cell 917-453-9376. If you really want some help in trying to obtain your rights in NY (and you believe as I do that there is entirely too much enforcement and criminalization of the "duties" of human beings residing in NYS), then please help me get on the ballot. But first, you must take a look at my website.
P.S., if you want a PDF copy of my book Saving Main Street and Its Retailers, you can obtain it FREE at this address www.carlperson4NYAG.com (then click on "Free Books" in top banner). You should really look at and use my proposed Representations and Warranties contained in the appendix to the book.
Thanks ffor this
This is a great ppost
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